Are you a midwit photographer?

Originally sent exclusively to The Focal Point subscribers on December 30th. Want to be the first to get my personal newsletter in your inbox every week? Subscribe for free here.

“It’s just vibes man”

Something to think about as 2024 comes to an end.

I’ve enjoyed personal development and ‘taking responsibility for your own life' since I first read ‘7 habits of highly effective people’ when I was 17 or something.

Pursuing personal excellence is what gives us meaning. Doing something well, having intention, direction and purpose doesn’t just improve your own life but those you love around you.

Classic Jordan Peterson language “Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.”

Too many people complain about the government or their neighbours or their family before working on their own problems first.

Over the years the more I dived into the “self help” world the more hectic it gets. In some ways it’s kinda cult like.

But as the more bro-science content I consume or philosophical content I read the more I’ve realised “it’s just vibes man”.

The hippy skating along the beachfront had it figured out all this time.

My favourite meme that sums up this thinking is the Midwit.

For those who don’t know about the midwit.

The midwit in the middle would represent the overthinking, hyper-analytical approach that tries to dissect, strategize, and "perfect" every single decision or action, often missing the bigger picture.

The guy on the left is dumb and naive. The guy on the right is a wise old sage.

Effectively, they come to the same conclusion.

I’m probably still a midwit photographer - but I am aiming to be the guy on the right (or even left)

What am I even trying to say? That photography is just vibes man.

Good or bad photo? Good or bad project? Good or bad technique? Good or bad compositions? Good of bad focal length? Says Who? it’s all just a feeling.

The more I’ve chased those feelings and leaned into the ‘vibes’ the more work I’ve enjoyed making and looking at.

I guess ‘Vibes’ is your gut instinct and taste. (I spoke about taste last week, have a read here:)

Especially where art and photography is concerned, just do whatever feels right.

Follow your gut. Not what gets the most likes on IG.

Since I’ve done that in regards to my YouTube channel, my photography, what i’ve been posting, the things I’ve been consuming… I think… just maybe, i’ve been a little happier.

Not overthinking it too much, just enjoying the vibes.

See you on street,


PS. Edit your photographs like I do with these Lightroom Presets:


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