The Fujifilm recipe I keep going back to.
I have created 2 custom Fujifilm film simulation recipes in the past, I’ll link both those here. But as well as those there is another recipe that I just keep going back too.
Photo Books that Changed My Perspective
I’m sure you’ve heard other photographers mention how important photo books are so I don’t need to sell the idea to you but just to simply to agree with that mantra, because photo books have been such a huge inspiration for me over the years. A good photo book gets you thinking about photography in ways that just looking at a screen doesn’t. Photography, printed and sequenced with intention and designed with detail is photography on a whole new level.
As you can tell - I think they’re important, so let’s now go over a couple of books with examples that I’ve really enjoy.
My Daily Street Photography Carry & Essentials
As the years have gone by, my camera gear, bag & everyday carry has evolved, however - one running theme that takes priority in my decision making for picking my gear and heading outside is having as little faff as possible. I want a minimal & simple setup that allows me to focus on actually taking photos and nothing else. However, the last year or so I think I’ve landed on a pretty effective but straight forward street photography setup that works perfectly for me.
Street Photography Workshop with Matt Stuart
At the end of May 2023 JP and I spent 6 days in Lisbon. The main reason for our trip being a full one day workshop with Matt Stuart on Saturday 27th. Matt has been one of my biggest inspirations for street photography ever since I discovered his work about 3 years ago, so the opportunity to spend a full day learning from one of the very best is something I couldn’t pass on.
For this blog I thought it would be cool to reflect on the workshop, share what we did and also my biggest takeaways from the day.
My Perfect Leica Q2 Setup
In this blog I wanted to share how I use my Leica Q2 and what settings I run with for street photography in case you wanted to try something similar or you’re interested in getting the Q2 yourself and want to know how it could work for you.
The 50mm Fuji X100v
Is the Fujifilm X100v the most hyped camera of the year? It’s undoubtably a gorgeous piece of kit and everyone I know who owns one… absolutely loves it. But is the fixed 23mm lens a reason for some people not to be interested at all?
That’s where the Fujifilm TCLX100 comes into play. I want to share my experience shooting some street photography with this teleconverter and share my general thoughts about whether I think this £300 converter is worth it.
The only Street Photography skill that matters
One of the best things about street photography is how we could all be using the same camera be at the same location, at the same time and all end up with different photos. Because we all have different perspectives and observations of the world around us.
Leica Q2: Did I Make A Mistake?
The 28mm isn’t actually a 28mm. The black bar showing your exposure settings that pops up is annoying, the digitial zoom and crop features are a bit gimmicky and the auto white balance hasn’t got a clue what it’s doing, erm yeah Let’s talk about it.
Why is the Fuji X100v so popular?
Let’s talk about the Fujifilm X100V, the most in demand and talked about camera in the photography community this year. But what’s the hype all about?
My Perfect Fujifilm Film Simulation Recipe
Film Simulations on are huge reason people want to pick up a Fujifilm camera. Being able to shoot digital and achieve that film look with almost zero effort is a lot fun. After almost a year of owning my Fujifilm X100v I have dialled in a few go to settings to create my own jpeg style.
Fujifilm XH2s - The Greatest APS-C Camera Yet?
This is Fujfilms new flagship camera, the X-H2s, a Photo & Video hybrid a lot of people were anticipating. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on the Fujifilm XH2s for a few days. So here’s my first impressions, hands on experience shooting a little bit of video and street photography. It might be worth mentioning that my opinions here are all coming from a Canon R6 user.